Tuesday, May 4, 2010

        Your blood pressure reduces, your shoulders drop back into place, the pulse you feel throbbing in that tiny vein on the forehead goes away, your grip on the steering wheel relaxes, and no longer are you clenching your jaw while gritting and grinding your teeth.
       It is palpable, one can feel it, it’s that “Ah” sensation your body experiences when you cross over the river from North to South. These are the signs telling you that you have entered into The Hip Zip 78704.
       Austin is truly a city divided, not only by geography, but by attitude and outlook on life. The mood in the Hip Zip 78704 is laid back, unlike the rat race north of the river. We have a much different viewpoint here than our fellow Austinites up north. When you walk along South Congress Ave. the people are noticeably friendlier. We dress more casual, more colorful (and that includes Leslie Cochran).
       Suits and dress shoes give way to hemp based clothing and Birkenstocks or Doc Martin’s. Instead of heads straight down watching the shoes hit the cement, our heads are up making eye contact and saying hello or howdy. At our hip zip coffee houses people engage in conversation about local, state, national and world events. The pace of life is slower, not as rushed, not always trying to beat the clock.
       Austin’s slogan “Keep Austin Weird” would have no meaning if not for the existence of the Hip Zip 78704. Our eclectic group of artists, musicians and business entrepreneurs proudly own their eccentricities, thereby putting the “hip” in the Hip Zip 78704. More to come.

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